TN29 0 Postcodes, Map, Properties And Census Information

Facts Checked By Data Team - Written By Simon Rose - Reviewed By Jonathan Benton

TN29 0 is a postcode sector in Folkestone and Hythe, UK. Below is a complete list of TN29 0 Postcodes (Active). TN29 0 postcode sector comprises of 262 active postcodes. TN29 0 sector has a population of 7389, and it has 3334 properties in the region.

Browse Information On TN29 0 postcode sector

TN29 0 Postcode and Census - Statistical Overview

Population 7389
Addresses / Property Count 3334
Active Postcodes 262
Nearby Postcode Districts 39
Nearby Postcode Sectors 1

View Map Of TN29 0 Postcode Sector

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showing 0-50 of 262 postcodes
Postcode Latitude Longitude Households Population Easting Northing
TN29 0AA 51.00893700 0.89632000 N/A N/A 603279 127276
TN29 0AB 51.01588400 0.98024900 N/A N/A 609134 128283
TN29 0AD 51.02600900 0.99786500 7 8 610324 129459
TN29 0AH 50.99806000 0.90474400 2 3 603918 126090
TN29 0AJ 51.00405200 0.90215300 2 13 603710 126749
TN29 0AL 51.01178000 0.88975300 18 42 602806 127574
TN29 0AN 51.01257400 0.88782100 13 38 602667 127657
TN29 0AP 51.01428900 0.97896400 N/A N/A 609051 128102
TN29 0AQ 51.01382400 0.97815000 N/A N/A 608996 128048
TN29 0AR 51.01341700 0.88974100 1 5 602798 127756
TN29 0AS 51.01420500 0.88770100 2 7 602651 127838
TN29 0AT 51.01683000 0.90047700 3 6 603536 128165
TN29 0AU 51.01968500 0.88287200 6 13 602289 128434
TN29 0AW 51.01117500 0.88766900 1 5 602662 127501
TN29 0AX 51.02022400 0.88399000 3 12 602365 128497
TN29 0AY 51.01605800 0.87712900 1 3 601902 128015
TN29 0AZ 51.02168700 0.88158500 6 15 602190 128653
TN29 0BA 51.02288500 0.87896300 4 13 602001 128779
TN29 0BB 51.03066800 0.87008900 1 2 601345 129620
TN29 0BD 51.02772700 0.86824500 8 13 601228 129288
TN29 0BE 51.02172000 0.86487300 8 25 601018 128611
TN29 0BG 51.01624500 0.86111300 4 7 600778 127992
TN29 0BJ 51.01387300 0.85844300 4 11 600601 127721
TN29 0BL 51.01313100 0.85751300 1 2 600539 127636
TN29 0BN 51.01256100 0.85619500 5 10 600449 127569
TN29 0BP 51.00982100 0.95405400 2 6 607324 127535
TN29 0BQ 51.01433300 0.85911300 1 3 600646 127774
TN29 0BS 51.01124800 0.95130100 4 11 607125 127686
TN29 0BT 51.01919600 0.95247600 3 8 607172 128573
TN29 0BU 51.01410100 0.94520000 18 56 606684 127986
TN29 0BW 51.01424000 0.94399700 8 19 606599 127998
TN29 0BX 51.01352200 0.94279000 3 5 606518 127915
TN29 0BY 51.01455900 0.94164400 3 6 606433 128027
TN29 0BZ 51.02262100 0.93654200 3 6 606039 128909
TN29 0DA 51.02815000 0.93917300 2 4 606199 129531
TN29 0DB 51.01155700 0.93938600 6 20 606288 127687
TN29 0DD 51.00474700 0.92763600 3 9 605494 126897
TN29 0DE 51.00275500 0.91845800 5 10 604859 126650
TN29 0DF 51.00878000 0.92391900 3 7 605215 127335
TN29 0DG 51.01172300 0.94070100 3 6 606379 127709
TN29 0DH 51.02353900 0.95258700 2 7 607160 129056
TN29 0DJ 51.03649200 0.93859700 4 12 606122 130457
TN29 0DL 51.04108200 0.93134000 7 15 605593 130947
TN29 0DN 51.04209400 0.92907000 5 6 605429 131053
TN29 0DP 51.04395600 0.92794000 5 13 605342 131257
TN29 0DQ 51.04556400 0.92548700 8 17 605163 131429
TN29 0DR 51.04439300 0.92627000 9 22 605223 131301
TN29 0DS 51.04517000 0.92614700 6 14 605211 131387
TN29 0DT 51.04345800 0.91511000 5 12 604445 131166
TN29 0DU 51.03587800 0.92151000 9 21 604927 130341
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